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Malta Day 16

From my diary 27.7.2014: "OMG! Today has been A M A Z I N G! Today our schedule said Splash & Fun. So we went on adventures. First we went to the animal park, and there were some parrot performances. And guess what! I IDA HENRIKSSON went swimming with the dolphins! I swam with a dolphin named something like cuck He was so cute! It was amazing! it was an experience for life, i think I´m going to do it again when i have the opportunity because it was so amazing! Anyway... after i had swam with the dolphins there was a amazing dolphin performance. the following programs was Splash & Fun which is a water park.That was also great fun!
Okay so after the adventures in the waterpark and in the animal park we went home to the host families to eat some dinner and had some rest before we were of to Medina, which is the city of sialens, it was a really cool place.


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